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    Réalisation de 6 groupe focus pour étudier la perception de différents formats d'affichages environnementaux auprès de consommateurs et d'un questionnaire quantitatif en ligne.

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    Test consommateurs mesurant la performance sensorielle de jus de pomme avec des concentration différentes en ivermectine

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    Table grape quality is of importance for consumers and thus for producers. Its objective quality is usually determined by destructive methods mainly based on sugar content. This study proposed to evaluate the possibility of hyperspectral imaging to characterize table grapes quality through its sugar (TSS),total flavonoid (TF),and total anthocyanin (TA) contents. Different data pre-treatments (WD,SNV,and 1st and 2nd derivative) and different methods were tested to get the best prediction models:PLS with full spectra and then Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) were realized after selecting the optimal wavelengths thanks to the regression coefficients (β-coefficients) and the Variable Importance in Projection (VIP) scores. All models were good at showing that hyperspectral imaging is a relevant method to predict sugar,total flavonoid,and total anthocyanin contents. The best predictions were obtained from optimal wavelength selection based on β-coefficients for TSS and from VIPs optimal wavelength windows using SNV pre-treatment for total flavonoid and total anthocyanin content. Thus,good prediction models were proposed in order to characterize grapes while reducing the data sets and limit the data storage to enable an industrial use

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    Table grape quality is of importance for consumers and thus for producers. Its objective quality is usually determined by destructive methods mainly based on sugar content. This study proposed to evaluate the possibility of hyperspectral imaging to characterize table grapes quality through its sugar (TSS),total flavonoid (TF),and total anthocyanin (TA) contents. Different data pre-treatments (WD,SNV,and 1st and 2nd derivative) and different methods were tested to get the best prediction models:PLS with full spectra and then Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) were realized after selecting the optimal wavelengths thanks to the regression coefficients (β-coefficients) and the Variable Importance in Projection (VIP) scores. All models were good at showing that hyperspectral imaging is a relevant method to predict sugar,total flavonoid,and total anthocyanin contents. The best predictions were obtained from optimal wavelength selection based on β-coefficients for TSS and from VIPs optimal wavelength windows using SNV pre-treatment for total flavonoid and total anthocyanin content. Thus,good prediction models were proposed in order to characterize grapes while reducing the data sets and limit the data storage to enable an industrial use

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    Il s'agit du resultat de la dégustation de 6 jus de pomme à cidre par un panel entrainé. Descripteurs de saveurs et texture.

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    résultat bruts HPLC

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    48 vin blanc différents ont été analysé par spectroscopy Raman et NIRS. L'analyse a été réalisé à Tps 0 ,7 jours,14 jours et 21 jours. Les données ont été créées dans le cadre d'un stage du projet O3Vin

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    données issues d'enquêtes auprès de vignerons d'une AOC du Val de Loire concernant leurs pratiques d'entretien des sols viticoles en vue de calculer les ACV,dans le cadre du projet Feder AVATEC

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    Eco3vic propose des éléments de démarches et méthodes pour accompagner l’aide à la décision pour un changement de pratiques en viticulture afin de contribuer à la réduction des impacts environnementaux

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