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    These data are focused on the POP exchanges at the air-water interface of a high altitude lake named Muzelle lake. This lake located in the French Alps is 2105meters high and is in a protected area of the National Parc of Ecrins,far away from all direct sources of pollution. Two POP families were targeted for their different physicochemical properties:PAH and PCB. The air-water transfer studies were realized on the high-altitude lake over two summer periods (2014 and 2015). As the lake is frozen over 6 months per year,the exchanges between the atmosphere and the water take place between June and November. These dataset deal with water,sediment and atmospheric PAH concentrations in aquatic and atmospheric compartments and fluxes of atmospheric deposits and sedimentation. In these mountain environments with limited access and energy,a passive sampling strategy was chosen in the both compartments. Concentrations in water from silicone passive samplers were calculated by using methodologies and equilibre values from the literature.

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    These data are focused on the POP exchanges at the air-water interface of a high altitude lake named Muzelle lake. This lake located in the French Alps is 2105meters high and is in a protected area of the National Parc of Ecrins,far away from all direct sources of pollution. Two POP families were targeted for their different physicochemical properties:PAH and PCB. The air-water transfer studies were realized on the high-altitude lake over two summer periods (2014 and 2015). As the lake is frozen over 6 months per year,the exchanges between the atmosphere and the water take place between June and November. These dataset deal with water,sediment and atmospheric PCB concentrations in aquatic and atmospheric compartments and fluxes of atmospheric deposits and sedimentation. In these mountain environments with limited access and energy,a passive sampling strategy was chosen in the both compartments. Concentrations in water from silicone passive samplers were calculated by using methodologies and equilibre values from the literature.

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    Ce travail prend source dans la thèse de Jean-Louis Edouard de 1994 « Les lacs d'altitude dans les Alpes françaises :contribution à la connaissance des lacs d'altitude et à l'histoire des milieux montagnards depuis la fin du Tardiglaciaire ». Cette thèse reconstitue l'histoire des lacs d'altitude des Alpes françaises et propose une vue d'ensemble de leur état en 1994. Une première partie de la thèse est consacrée à l'histoire des lacs depuis environ 10 000 ans en relation avec les changements environnementaux. La deuxième partie de la thèse étudie les lacs dans leur état actuel. Une base de données de 530 lacs situés à plus de 1400m d’altitude et d’une superficie supérieure ou égale à 0,5 ha a été constituée au cours de cette thèse. Les jeux de données mentionnés en ressources vous donneront de très nombreuses informations sur ces lacs :localisation,identification,inventaire,géographie,morphométrie et morphologie des cuvettes lacustres,limnologie,environnement du bassin versant,mesures physiques (régime thermique,temps de renouvellement des eaux,transparence) et chimiques (minéralisation,oxygénation…),régime hydrologique et variations saisonnières du niveau des lacs,régimes thermiques,gel et couverture de glace... En annexe de la thèse,un atlas rassemble les cartes bathymétriques de 43 des lacs étudiés par l'auteur,et des photographies de ces lacs.